Sachs Covered Bridge; Adams County, PA

Sachs Covered Bridge; Adams County, PA
Sachs Covered Bridge; Adams County, PA

Wednesday, August 09, 2017

Learning about art history

Back on May 8 I replied to a comment on my post about Stephen King etc. that I'd post something about my favorite paintings.  I'll mention something close to that I started on Pinterest. So that I can figure out what I think of Pinterest and learn about art history, for one of my boards I decided to create an art museum stocked with whatever I wanted. A lot of the artworks I chose are to help create variety. Sometimes I see there is a hole in the collection and use that as a way to do some research. That's how I learned about abstract expressionist paintings by women and found that I prefer their works.  It's been months since I've added anything to the board.

Here it is:

A problem for someone in China is that I think you have to sign on with an account to see my full board.

If you have any suggestions, such as a hole I should fill, or want to know why I included something, please let me know.

I like this sculpture in Baltimore's Walters Art Museum because of how bronze and marble are combined and it probably is based on a famous African American actor of the 1800s, Ira Aldridge, who was known for portraying Shakespeare's Othello.  Museum's page on this artwork:

"Othello" by Pietro Calvi, modeled 1868, this executed in 1873