Sachs Covered Bridge; Adams County, PA

Sachs Covered Bridge; Adams County, PA
Sachs Covered Bridge; Adams County, PA

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Example WPR story to assign when teaching: David Foster Wallace and running out of batteries for the tape player
My sinus headache from allergies lasted most of last night, so I didn't wake up until around 9am today. I missed being able to watch the triathlon swimming portion at the Monona Terrace, which I've done maybe twice before, but was able to catch this morning's To the Best of Our Knowledge topic on David Foster Wallace.

The last segment includes an interview of his sister that says a lot about life. Thought-provoking stories similar to this would be good for my students to hear, but I'm not sure where to plug it into an intro to sociology syllabus or assignment.

Maybe I should create a topic that maybe never appears in an intro syllabus--how we deal with crises in our lives. This segment goes beyond that, such as how everyday interactions between people can be so important to us. I feel that when shopping for food, waiting for a bus, etc. as I see others talking to or holding their kids or just being with someone else. The sister's description of a long car trip with her brother is a good example.